Greetings from a great grandson of an Emilie
Spannaus! I'm writing this in Wisconsin,
USA. Its wonderful you are developing a Spannaus
website. Perhaps we can make a family connection.
Recently I wrote the following:
Dear Karen: ( )
Its wonderful finding someone else who is
researching the Spannaus surname. Frankly,
I have relatively little information, but
perhaps we can assist one another.
IGI records identify my great grandmother
as Johanna Charlotte Emilie Spanneaus. In
our family bible we "know" her
better as Emilie Spannaus. Emilie was born
27 Feb. 1849 in Grossbrauter, Schwartzburg,
Germany. She died 16 Feb. 1928 in Superior,
Wisconsin, USA.
Ed Spannaus, my only other Spannaus contact,
wrote me "Emilie Spannaus arrived in
New York from Bremen on the ship "New
York", on 19 May 1871. She is listed
as a 22-year-old female, which would make
her date of birth around 1849. She was the
only Spannaus on the ship's list."
. . . ( )
Why she came to America alone and where she
settled is unknown at this time. Its a fairly
safe assumption she joined relatives already
residing in Minnesota.
Emilie married a Conrad Reese (my great grandfather)
in Sibley County, Minnesota . . . I assume
sometime between 1871 and 1875. They attended
St. Johns Lutheran Church, Arlington Township
. . . a country parish near Henderson, Minnesota.
They had three sons, the oldest Herman August
Reese (my grandfather), born in 1875. We
found Minnesota State Census records forthe
family (Conrad, Emilie, Herman, Fritz, and
Albert) residing together in Sibley County,
Minnesota in 1885. My grandfather once told
me his father died when he was 10, thus I
assume a short time after the 1885 census.
The next information I have on Emilie is
in Superior, Wisconsin, after theturn of
the century, where she resided with her son
Herman and his family. That family included
my mother Ethel (Reese) Ross.
Emilie died in February 1928 and is buried
(unmarked grave) in the "county or pauper"
section of the Greenwood Cemetery in Superior.
With support from several of my first cousins
(we are all bloodline great grandchildren
of Emilie), I'm arranging for a granite gravestone
for her. It will simply read:
Emilie Spannaus Reese, 1849-1928.
Roland, hopefully you can help me make connections
with Emilie Spannaus' family in Germany.
John M. Ross Tassinong Lodge
5455 E. James Rd N2386 S. Tammy Trail
Bloomington, IN 47408 Waupaca, WI 54981